I manage to contact "samiow" our first winner of the top 10 promotion we are running and I have asked him a few questions:
Tuk: If possible give us a short description of you and your poker career?
samiow: I was taught when i was a boy to play 7 card stud and used to win pennies off my friends and always enjoyed it. About 4 years ago I started playing on the internet on Pacific poker and would go up and down sometimes spinning up a nice lot of cash sometimes going broke.Last year I started playing live and thats when I signed up to the hendon mob forum.
Tuk: How did you find tuktukbkk.blogspot.com?
samiow: You posted about your offer on the hendon mob forum and although I was suspicious, because it sounded too good to be true, I checked it out anyways.
Tuk: What made you register?
samiow: After reading your blog and checking out the pokerstrategy website I was happy to give it a go as all my details are kept safe, I received the money as expected and got lots of updates from you and were sent my extra $$ on whatever site I wanted, was really impressed!
Tuk: What do you think of this "tuktukbkk" model of giving back the TAF (Tell-a-friend) money?
samiow: It sounds too good to be true! But it isn't , I hope everyone registers with you after reading the blog, they should do..
Tuk: To whom would you suggest this type of model?
samiow: Absolutely EVERYONE wanting to try out poker - you have nothing at all to lose. There is no risk and its all reward, Join ffs!Tuk: Anything special message you would like to leave for those who are still in doubt that this is for real and it works?
samiow: It is 100% genuine, you receive your 50$ usually in 2 working days and tuktuk sends you the bonuses within the same week you have earned them. A completely legitimate website/service, Thanks tuktuk!
Tuk: And any hints/tips you would like to leave for those still running towards the 5000 StrategyPoints mark?
samiow: Don't tilt, look for the fish, Play your best, Good luck!
It was a pleasure to interview "samiow" and I hope that I can soon interview again those who reach the 2nd and 3rd place.
Keep on playing and see you soon!
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