Hello again! Sorry for these lack of posts but my life is being under a big change and I have moved to a new apartment. With so many things to do (work, move, family, etc.) something had to be left aside and that was unfortunatelly my blog. But now Im back and hopefully to be able to post at least once a week with the updates and all the statistics and news of this initiative.
One of the most interesting things that happened during this time was to receive positive feedback and support to continue by one of the pokerstrategy forum moderators - thunderbird56 - to my blog. Read it here. That really makes me motivated to continue with my idea - I call it now the tuktuk poker model :)
Not sure if you usually see them (as they dont show in the main page) but I have received a few comments that really make me happy like for example the one from Garry.
I have also received a request from 1 fan to use my tuktuk poker model but for another site - pokerprofessor - and I have give him the ok to go. Here stays the link to his blog - http://poker250.blogspot.com/ - in case you are interested.
Its really nice to see that this is moving in the right direction and the more we are the more free poker money will be available to play!
Now the updated statistics and a few more payments made by me.
The top 10 promotion - there are still 2 places to be paid the full amount - $250!
The overall statistics of this initiative - Untill now $6995 have been released to play poker for free:
Payments confirmation - CCO, g4rry, CalimeRhum and AngleSh00ter have contacted me and they have receive the money I give back from the refer a friend, as per my step by step guide:
Again if you are still in doubt just look for these players in the poker platforms and ask them directly.
You can also see that I have activated 2 new functions in my blog that you could use to help me to promote this:
1 - The "Thumb This Up!" where basically you can leave an independent review of my blog for others to see.
2 - The "Links to this Post" function in each post so that you can a link back to my blog .
Well thats it for today, and I hope to receive your comments and of course your support to spread this with your friends!
All the best,
All the best,
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